Management strategy Pandora and Pegaso
We want to indicate some fundamental points of these two managements. Both managements have a goal of generating + 1% / day for Pandora and + 1.5% / day for Pegaso (at least).
99% of the managements use automatic systems (EA), and we all try to reach the daily goal of removing the majority of active “EAs” and then having an operational break.
This is because you don’t want to leave trades in the market for a long time, unless the main “EA” “is generating opportunities. In this case, as the number of trades of this “EA” increases, the other secondary “EAs” are completely discharged (where possible).
IMPORTANT: the volatility wants to be contained to a maximum of 20% (we usually succeed in the intent), but it is obvious that by using above all the “Cabble” we understand and know very well that sometimes the operation can be difficult!
From our management concept if we are to offer expected returns of 20% monthly, we believe that at certain times the same volatility must be shared and accepted.
For now, the management staff has decided to promote only these two managements, as we want the profitability of the participating people to be interesting and consolidated.
It is our intention to propose other solutions after at least 6 months of maturity of these listed.